The Mini rear suspension layout is excellent. it allwos you to have a good recovery camber and a good positioning of the rool center. On the other hand, in track use and during sporty driving, an increased negative camber angle becomes necessary. the only limit of the original suspension is precisely the fact that it can not be adjusted: the standard suspension arms does not allwos this adjustment and unfortunately are mounted on rubber silent blocks. Our kit replace the two standard upper arms with other mounted on adjustment of camber and eliminates play determinated by standard rubber silent block. The result is the optimization of the footprint of the tire when cornering and therefore the entering in turn entering as well as higher stability.
Il kit tiranti regolabile sostituisce l’originale fisso, con questo kit si regola l’angolo camber, modificando questo angolo si riesce ad ottimizzare l’impronta a terra del pneumatico in curva, il tutto si traduce in un miglioramento delle performance del veicolo in termini di velocità di percorrenza ed ingresso in curva nonchè di stabilita sul veloce.